Ask mr robot wotlk. Support Get help with account-related or technical issues. Ask mr robot wotlk

 Support Get help with account-related or technical issuesAsk mr robot wotlk  The current combination with SP MH and SP neck performs substantially better on all TOCG boss fights in general if I compare logs from previous week where I used a physical MH and neck

On another potentially related. yellowfive October 7, 2022, 5:13am 2. Spell hit in WOTLK is 17%. Robot. Report post. Part 2: Modeling boss fight mechanics, taking damage, and ‘rotations’. Since it’s complex and new to most people, I’ll be covering the system in detail in this series of tank-simulation articles. Ask Mr. Support Get help with account-related or technical issues. Replace it at your earliest convenience if you have it, or skip the grind if you don’t. The website make recommendations reg. When I activate feral talents, put on dps gear, and use the Mr. Robot. Disc Priest WOTLK Classic Spellpower vs INT. Stat Thresholds are a new customization feature for WoW Classic,TBC Classic, and WotLK Classic. We can only use one - so it’s fine for Arms, but Titan’s grip “Allows you to equip two-handed axes, maces and swords in one hand. Ask Mr. When I create a new guardian from your templates, it leaves 8 points to be distributed and it does not pick up ‘Survival of the Fittest’. I used to be a fan of AMR and Pawn’s use of AMR scales through Legion, but understand that AMR is using more sophisticated comparisons now. 50, or $5. I’ve been trying for a week to reset the addon and website data as per the post on how to reset. Hi. FFXIV. CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. Post by Facico If I'm not mistaken, askmrrobot also takes into consideration gems and enchants, whereas reforgelite only reforges. Ask Mr. Given the truly massive number of gear+gem combinations in WotLK, even if it does. We show an extra prismatic socket on most belts for WotLK. However, the TBC realms became progression realms and no refund for TBC addon is available. It takes into account your race, talents, and any personal preferences you set. Blizzard has announced that within the next 24 hours they will be implementing a hotfix, making adjustments to Omen of Clarity and how it interacts with Faerie Fire (Feral), a Feral Druid talent. Robot WoW Classic. 1% range or lower. ebonia April 15, 2023, 9:42pm 1. Robot. 25% hit rating as melee) buying a tier piece with a large amount of hit was going to be compared to my currently equipped gear. Adding an item and having it displayed as a 5% upgrade is great but, without being to actually add it to my bag an. Still does not work . Try searching around but could not find anything doing search and. Addon Get our in-game addon for quickly loading your character, managing gear, and more. hoffmann October 5, 2022, 7:06pm 1. Hi, When selecting raid buffs I noticed some are missing for example Blessing of Might and Improved Icy Talons - is there a reason for this. This guide will help you master your Restoration Druid in all aspects of the game including raids and dungeons. They are most commonly referred to as a DoT (damage over time) and a HoT (heal over time). It really helps to optimize around hit/expertise/haste breakpoints. Robot addon to paste on the website, the site automatically chooses the guardian setup. 5 patch. Copy the text in the box on that screen. Give it another shot, the new items should be in the database now. AskMrRobot doesn’t seem to have a queue (always instant for me), but is pay-only at $12 for the whole year ($1/mo), which is cheaper than the lowest paid tier of Raidbots to get priority in the queue. The point of bringing up simcraft in a discussion about ask Mr robot is that: along with giving you a theoretical dps number for your gear and spec, it will give you very specific stat weights that you can plug in to Mr robot for min/max-ing. 263. AMR prioritizes crit gems over STR, but other sims says pure STR gems are the best. Forum The best place to ask for advice, get help using the site, or just talk about WoW. Also, hit is absolutely necessary for threat generation. Hi there, Previously I had been using Ask Mr Robot to find best in bags etc without really looking at the customisation options as I am a bit overwhelmed. Not sure if it is firefox, or what but the lock button doesn’t work. i made a ticket but its been almost a week and no response so i am posting here. I am playing combat Rogue in WOTLK and when I import my string from in-game it does not show a combat spec, instead it shows Outlaw. Ask Mr. kryptek October 17, 2022, 4:53pm 1. Forum The best place to ask for advice, get help using the site, or just talk about WoW. The unit is powered by with not one but TWO Khorium power cores (each guranteed to contain the essence of a fire elemental), which are then secured in place with Fel Iron bolts . I figured this might be due to the fact that the listed items in “askmrobot”. Usually in the 0. com WotLK – Ask Mr. WoW Classic. hyperlord August 19, 2023, 1:32pm 1. The addon is not copying my correct talents into the website for any of the tools to use. Robot's latest theorycraft articles. Robot’s addon for Highmaul and upload logs? Because… COOL STUFF! Once we collect enough data from you and other smart, talented, beautiful players like you, Mr. Robot WoTLK Best in Slot not Importing Correct Talents from Addon. Blog Read Mr. hey I’m enhancement shaman but the best in bags and upgrade finder keeps suggesting spell power gear, i dont need spellpower gear i need agility type gear. For instance: I only used reforgelite before, then I tried askmrrobot and it told me to re-gem so that I could exactly hit the 22% haste breakpoint for my class. 2 Likes. A couple minor bugs, some missing item data and filtering, etc. Courses 478 View detail Preview siteBest in Slot (BiS) & Pre-Raid Gear. Learn how to use Ask Mr. So, your Bloodthirst will be avoided 6. Robot WOTLK: SHift Click Auction House? Serious discussion. Not sure where to post this so move if needed but buying the TBC classic addon made sense when they had classic era and TBC realms. Given the truly massive number of gear+gem combinations in WotLK, even if it does. Ask Mr. Edit: Forgot to add. I installed Ask Mr Robot as someone advised I do. However if I switch over to Tank he fails to see. They aren’t showing up in the char sheet on the user interface, but they are being counted in the optimizer when choosing gear. Ask Mr. He'll also infuse your shirt with lavender to cover up that darn Corruption smell. Found a bug in Wotlk Hunter hit cap. Hi there, I want to ask if it is possible to get the option to force a total avoidance of 102,4 on Prot Paladins. wotlk. Wowhead says stat priority is Int, Haste, MP5, SP, crit. Ask Mr. 1: 87: May 12, 2023 Balance 4p t8. I'm not exactly a top-notch healer, but I do OK for my guild's raiding needs (we did normal progression in WoD). In order to do. That's why you get bad results. I still see Optimizations and selections for classic/wotlk. Ask Mr. Hello Human! Identify yourself. I tested this out by unequpping several slots of gear, and it still was telling my that my UNEQUIPPED slot was best in bags. Apparently this is not the case in all bis sheets. WoW Classic. Just taking a bit more time for WotLK since it involves creating a different process – it needs a much more carefully crafted dataset to avoid getting really wacky weights from the statistical model. 2. ethis February 11, 2023, 7:01pm 1. However the effect on wowhead shows +45 attack power so the issue probably happened when you folks scraped the item data from wowhead. Serious discussion. Addon Get our in-game addon for quickly loading your character, managing gear, and more. wotlk. Wowhead. Is there anyway to fix this?Stat Analysis – how it works. Ask Mr. Ask Mr. classic, wotlk. too2fun January 3, 2023, 11:38pm 1. Robot can do a LOT! Besides just buttering you up with compliments, he can tell you… For each player:Ask Mr. If you heal too aggressively, you run out. This feature is available on the Customize tab of either Best in Bags or Best in. Stat Thresholds are a new customization feature for WoW Classic,TBC Classic, and WotLK Classic. Ask for help. Quote. Robot Feral DPS WOTLK Update. Ask Mr. Our stat weights are focused on solo questing. Ask Mr. Unlike DPS, whose goal is to simply deal as much damage to the boss as possible, healers instead aim to keep players alive. 2. 92%. This post will be updated once WotLK launches. Askmrrobot is trash. 10: 391: January 20, 2023 WoTLK Phase 2 - Dungeon updates. In the ambiguous case where you have both the Morbidity talent maxed and the Scourge Strike talent selected, we’ll use Scourge Strike with 2-handed weapons, and the Morbidity play style with 1-handed weapons. Robot. WOTLK Fury Warrior. 5M visits in September 2023, and closing off the top 3 is wowreforge. Forum The best place to ask for advice, get help using the site, or just talk about WoW. a9ec649ebe7e444ca234115d75e596ee the first one is the default arcane spec when i click the arcane button in the spec button at the top. World of Warcraft analysis and theorycraft. When I activate feral talents, put on dps gear, and use the Mr. Technical Support. yellowfive August 24, 2022, 3:23pm 1. Robot. World of Warcraft analysis and theorycraft. Can we have. Target spell hit cap for space goats is 341 rating (13%). We don’t have the older flasks in the list, just the highest level ones. Recent Files. You can use the “customize” tab to set a minimum stat threshold if you want more haste. You can buy a belt buckle from a blacksmith or the auction house to add this extra socket. Weapon speed is irrelevant for (HotR’s) direct damage, but the effect of your seal does scale with weapon speed. If you use the help link support feature we will be able to resolve your issue MUCH faster. cfb840be5de04bc287add9331ded6a8c Can I trust the math here? It seems like it wants me to dump strength for crit rating. Here, take this controller. Character specific. I don’t see an option on the website to imput the data for simulation anymore. Hit me up on the Ask Mr. tobach September 30, 2022, 9:38pm #41. gearing-strategy. Hey, Not sure whether I’m doing something wrong here but I keep getting told to gem for expertise even though I’m at the cap? When selecting a different gem in the drop down menu they are shown as a DPS increase. Lost Ark. Just used the BiB feature and it’s recommending that I switch out a Torn Web Wrapping (ilvl 213) with Gronnstalker’s Belt (ilvl 154). Once you have your results, click Send to Addon at the bottom of the list. I see the same issue for 2h hammers. Robot. You can switch between them in the drop down menu at the top of the Gear tab. Next to the big section titles of the optimizer features (“Best in Bags”, “Upgrade Finder”, etc. 50/3-mo, or $24/6-mo which amounts to $4. October 16, 2023. Robot. Just wondering why AMR recommends physical MH when 99% of enhance shamans. I am dual spec resto and feral, and have created 3 setups in this order: resto, feral, guardian. f793a3aafe4d426d9baeac6262f36fa3 without hunters mark f47dc59627f646f6bea9c081d46dd5a4 with hunters mark. Robot's latest theorycraft articles. Swol October 17, 2022, 1:16am 2. Importing gear from the. Export everything about your character from the game to our website. but it COULD! We show an extra prismatic socket on most belts for WotLK. Equally, healing is a zero-sum game, in that if one person. To use Pawn in the best way you must use raidbots after simming yourself and fill in a string into Pawn addon so its knows your current stat weights then it will be able to tell you if upgrade or not. Robot addon adds a lot of convenient functionality to the website (Character Export. Robot addon exports right to it. We are working on the WotLK Classic version of the website, and hope to have it available on or near the announced release date of Sept. Robot WoW Classic. 05%. Nevertheless, for the record: wowhead is STILL wrong on the subject of "Disenchantable (475)" as of (see timestamp). If you encounter a bug, please make a separate post with your snapshot ID created via the “help” links next to each major. For example, 184736 or Robe of the March Warden. Robot An item in your junk list could not be found. T. Robot WOTLK and Equipment Manager Sets. Yellow did the bear stuff, so he’d be the best to answer specifics on the action priority we use in the calculations for wotlk. 1% range or lower. Robot Resto Druid WOTLK stats. Ask Mr. ozgurus March 13, 2023, 11:46am 1. We don’t show an absolute number for DPS on the site because it is very hard to generate a number that will match what people see in-game. It was changed for WOTLK to be effected by hit, but in classic there is no way to improve it’s chance to be resisted other than T3 set bonus or trinkets that reduce spell resist chance. Addon Get our in-game addon for quickly loading your character, managing gear, and more. com with 43. robot, simulator and guides, wow optimizer, wow sim,. Are you using the default weights or did you run custom ones? The default ones are for just one setup, just like stat weights from guides are also for just one setup. 3. You just have to know what you want and adjust the weights to your preference. tanks, gearing-strategy. Ask Mr. Yeah we can probably turn that feature on in the WotLK version of the addon if they support it. This is why it is generally recommended to use RaidBots over AMR. Robot Simple Q & A. Upgrade finder not working across multiple toons. The Upgrade finder for WoW WotLK Classic works just like the one. However, the equiped weapon is a 1h Mace, and should. hyperlord August 19, 2023, 1:32pm 1. Robot picks an on-use trinket that you don’t like. It doesn’t seem right. Best in Bags finds the best set of gear from items you already own, with the click of a button. If I then click on the feral it acts like I’m still still wearing my resto gear snapshot ID: 396cdfb93c804d868943b7c24ed17f8e I just recently subscribed to the WOTLK section of AMR and was wondering if some of the features from Retail (the. Weapon speed is irrelevant for (HotR’s) direct damage, but the effect of your seal does scale with weapon speed. Ask Mr. Robot WOTLK - BiB or BiS models updated? Ask Mr. minitwo September 2, 2018, 8:28pm 1. snapshot id: 0889b8ac82214abe92874aead03bf1ed I’m running a WOTLK Surv hunter right now where Explosive Trap and Shot make up the vast majority of my damage. If you want to know how much threat abilities cause, this old page on wowwiki has most of the information (I think this link is to the version that was around wotlk patch 3. 1. When I run my pally (raid healing only), which is mostly BIS through P2, Val’anyr and some P3 BIS (neck) per Wowhead, and I gem per Wowhead (epic intel gems) and enchant per Wowhead BIS, AMR pretty much has me switch everything to MP5 gear, gems, and enchants. robot, simulator and guides, wow optimizer, wow sim,. wotlk. Comment by Leon8220 on 2023-11-21T12:10:03-06:00. Today we will update the site for Dragonflight patch 10. 0. 2 of 4 Click one of the spec icons next to your name to change current spec. Description. Forum The best place to ask for advice, get help using the site, or just talk about WoW. Yes,. yellowfive June 24, 2023, 5:24pm #2. zheak October 6, 2022, 9:05pm 1. Robot WoW Classic. b1bff820c0fe4adfb1dff1b444381d09 Howdy, Sorry if im not correctly doing this or if its a know issue. Especially for 5 and 10 player content. Ask Mr. The search is really good! Check if someone has asked your question before posting. Why should you install Mr. willz916 October 27, 2022, 1:14am 1. Additionally, when doing that keep in mind that it can be. I just got some Heirlooms for my. 0. Robot WoW Classic. 00 per month depending. 2023 Wotlk Headless Horseman gear not being recognized. 2022, 4:45pm 2. There are a few reasons you want to use AMR to do this: 1. Hidden Secrets of Northrend Making a Jeeves Mining for Ores, Gems and Stones. Press the import button. Hey Yellow, with TOGC coming out next week, I was comparing BIS lists from the theory crafters vs what AMR is giving me. Please add the +30 intellect to weapon enchant from TBC to the available weapon enchant options. Ask mr Robot to work on Opera GX browser. Robot WotLK WotLK: Best in Bags Tutorials WotLK This post will be updated once WotLK launches. WoW Classic. While you have a two-handed weapon equipped in one hand, your physical damage done is reduced by 10%. Also if anyone has any insight into why it does not 100% match the tooltip when using 50 pain spent I would love some input. Updated Oct 3, 2022. The Upgrade finder for WoW WotLK Classic works just like the one. Frost is still a viable spec for tanking. Ask Mr. 0: 358: January 4, 2023 My Death Knight can't run an import. More Games. Wotlk Limitation on raid size. r/wow. that unique gem checkbox. WoW Classic. I tried it with other options and I. Dragonflight Season 3 Launches on November 14th - Amirdrassil Raid, Mythic+ Rotation. Nightmare Tear not added yet in the game, but it sims it. For SP that benefits 20% spellpower from spirit it should be. 6. Blog Read Mr. Due to the nature of healing in general, it is effectively impossible to sim healers. 603×637 164 KB. WoW Classic. License All Rights Rese. Ask Mr. Currently my setup says Deaths Verdict is the best upgrade for me, but i would like to “pretend” i have this item equipped, what would be the next best…Ask Mr. We will update this post if anything changes as we are developing the WotLK site, or if we have any. By setting your own custom weights you are able personalize the optimizer to do exactly what you want for your gear. Robot is ok, but I don't think it takes into account set bonuses or procs. BIS Lists for classes on wotlk does not let us filter out non Hard modes or 10m or 25m filters. Report. The thing is, MrRobot uses common stat weights, which assume optimal talents and optimal rotation. I saw everything else at least 2 times. rotpot October 14, 2022, 9:07pm 1. Pic from the beta: image 1056×421 104. WotLK: Upgrade Finder. They aren’t showing up in the char sheet on the user interface, but they are being counted in the optimizer when. Now I logged on, made an alt to mess around with and now for some reason my minimap has vanished. It is my understanding that the titan rune dungeons this phase (like last phase) drop raid gear – so you can use the raid search to decide if any of the gear is worth purchasing. Sometimes you might not want the added expense on lower level gear. Robot. Robot, or customize Pawn's stat weights to have it suggest items based on your favorite class guide or simulator. Since the launch of Wrath it has never correctly recommended 2 handed weapons for Fury. at your service. ebonia April 15, 2023, 9:42pm 1. But what you can't do is go around saying that they want the $1 just to make some money and turn a profit out of the project when they've stated themselves otherwise. its not available in the list. Is this intentional? I would like to be able to turn off ALL gemming as gear pieces are changing run-by-run at this point. To get the pawn export, click the green “Export to Addon” button found on any of the gear results (although we suggest Best in Bags as Yellowfive stated above). Robot [WotLK] Rogue TBC Items. Snapshot:. Robot Ask for help. Ask Mr. Forum The best place to ask for advice, get help using the site, or just talk about WoW. Are there plans to add Sidereal Essence gear under the Upgrade Finders > Emblems? yellowfive August 21, 2023, 7:14pm 2. snapshot id 70c9a70482b046aa952a5bed5111893e AMR is recommending defense rating for enchants and gems when I am already over the defense cap. Can we change stat weights for Wotlk? I wanna increase haste coefficient. The defense skill increase on Rune of the Nerubian Carapace and Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle are not being calculated. Our optimizer uses a lot of math and statistics to choose a good balance of these four stats, but in reality, there are many different allocations that work nearly as well. snapshot id: 0889b8ac82214abe92874aead03bf1ed I’m running a WOTLK Surv hunter right now where Explosive Trap and Shot make up the vast majority of my damage. He's not obligated to pay the $1 a month, nobody is. yerac November 13, 2023, 6:12pm 1. The WOTLK optimizer for Prot Paladin seems to weight Crit Rating and % Critical Damage highly. morx March 29, 2023, 7:41pm #3. Robot Tutorials. Mr. Robot's latest theorycraft articles. S3 Season 3 S3 Cheat Sheet S3 Mythic+ S3 Raid Tips S3 Talent Builds S3 Rotation S3 Support Buffs S3 Gear S3 Tier Set Bonus Overview Abilities & Talents Advanced ConceptsNo, don’t use the Onyx Annulet in patch 10. Usually this happens if you haven’t played a character in a long time, but it can sometimes happen for other reasons. I now have a worthless totem that soaked up most of my badges on a new. CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. Part 3: Modeling heals, metrics, and balancing survival with. 7 ticks. Hi all! I have a problem with the Best in bags system. takika January 21, 2023, 11:46pm #1. b327ecdf701641de8ff6204fe67c003f I was wondering why my new staff isn’t an upgrade, the rapture. Posting it here in hopes that someone else finds it helpful. Frost Death Knight — this one is a special. Ask Mr. Robot will polish your gear to remove the blood and guts that get everywhere after a long day of work. Today, I was trying to see how big of a detriment (Currently set at 8. Support Get help with account-related or technical issues. Robot. When using the upgrade finder it is not showing the 25 Nax Tier helm better than the Nax 10 version. Support Get help with account-related or technical issues. I am sure I am doing something wrong so it would be good. This tool gives gear. With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content. Robot. B est in bags is favoring expertise over hit even when stat thresholds are set for assasinate rogue. Blog Read Mr. Robot WoW Classic. Robot Problem with best in bags. WOTLK Warrior Simulator measuring ~6008 dps amr optimized gear set here: WOTLK Warrior Simulator measuring ~5927 dps. Ask Mr. The current combination with SP MH and SP neck performs substantially better on all TOCG boss fights in general if I compare logs from previous week where I used a physical MH and neck. bfe0c5268db64325a39cba9cd101a932 Weapon Enchant here, is suggestion to apply Enchant Staff - Greater Spellpower. Thanks for the report – yeah it would be slightly more optimal to activate the socket bonus on the waist item with the tear. Mr. Robot. Am I missing an option to accomplish this? Thanks! dbb2d9207b0b44988a775d6100a044d8 I’d like to see visible 15 spirit on chest from TBC for WOTLK too. brnbabyburn January 8, 2023, 3:09am 1. Go to interface. 50/3-mo, or $24/6-mo which amounts to $4. Set the Belt Buckle Min Item Level setting to the lowest item level item to which you want to add a belt buckle. The site will be updated sometime late tonight or in the morning tomorrow for the Dragonflight 10. zheak September 30, 2022, 5:55pm 1. Ask Mr. 1. yellowfive June 24, 2023, 5:24pm #2. Ask mr Robot to work on Opera GX browser. 00, $4. Ask Mr. Normally, I would buy an item and run the best in bags. zheak October 6, 2022, 9:05pm 1. October 17, 2023. 00, $4. It looks like a lot of gobbledegook. Since Mr. Robot deathknight-unholy. If you use the help link support feature we will be able to resolve your issue MUCH faster. Simple Q & A.